BSW Water Rescue

Nombre de tu organización:
Baja Sustainable Water
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Category 1: Water
Dirección de la organización: País
Nombre de la solución que ofrece tu organización:
BSW Water Rescue for rural communities in Mexico
Descripción de la solución que ofrece tu organización:
BSW Water Rescue relies on 3 main technologies for the proper treatment of water: Bacterial treatment, Magnetic desalination and Ozone disinfection. We turn wastewater into potable water in 35 hours.
Descripción del problema (en 550 caracteres o menos):
It is through the application of the described technologies that we are able to solve the most urgent environmental problems related to water, such as: Combat water scarcity in remote, peripheral, low-resource regions; correct bad management of wastewater and the environmental problems that it entails; achieve greater efficiency in desalination, and make it more accessible and easy to implement and replicate; reduce seawater pollution due to poor wastewater management; protect the marine ecosystem; improve water quality for human consumption.
Descripción de la innovación de la solución (hasta 550 caracteres):
Our technology consumes 98% of solids and sludge in wastewater streams, eliminating the need of later handling and dredging. Our system eliminates odors, consumes greases and oils, ammonia, nitrogen, methane, biological residues and is extremely portable and easy to operate. This eliminates the expense on consumables, the use of chlorine, and reduces OPEX in 85%. We have revolutionized the way to desalinate seawater with our process of applying a magnetic field before reverse osmosis, which does not use brine and cuts electrical bills by 70%.
Usuarios de la Solución:
Rural Population,Agriculture and Fishing,Urban Population
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